My Trip to Nikko Japan : Edo Wonderland, Famous Shrines, Kinugawa Onsen and more

My trip to Nikko Japan

Living in Japan

Living in Japan is awesome, and X-Factor finalist Jason Brock is doing just that in a super tiny apartment in Tokyo (near Shinjuku) that is just 180 square feet (16.7 m2). But even though it’s small, it still gives an American foreigner a comfortable place to live in Japan. Now he’s taking a trip to Nikko, Japan! Come with him and explore what this famous city has to offer!

Three Days in Nikko, Kinugawa, Tochigi

This is a three day trip from Tokyo to Nikko, and the video shows you some of the most exciting things to do while you’re there. Starting with the train ride from Tokyo, Jason shows you what the whole experience is like – day by day. On day 1, Jason goes to Tobu World Square – a place famous for its miniature versions of famous places all over the world (like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, Tokyo Sky Tree and others).

On days 2 & 3, Jason goes to Edo Wonderland (a place where you can dress up like an edo period character if you want to – I did!). You can also just watch others, including actors that work there, reenact this amazing and beautiful period in Japanese history. You can even do archery, ninja star (shuriken?) throwing and ride a boat down a river. Plus food and drinks. 🙂

Jason also goes to restaurants, shows you around his ryokan (Japanese style hotel & onsen) and shows you a unique Nikko food – yuba. Watch the video to see it all: 

The Video

VIDEO HERE, or click the video below. Thanks!


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About Jason Brock

Jason Brock X Factor Finalist is a singer, actor, entertainer, vlogger and political science student currently living in Tokyo, Japan. In addition, he was a finalist on the X-Factor. Also, he is a four-time winner of the “Best Male Cabaret Singer” in San Francisco (where he lived for 11 years). Get more info about Jason here.

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